
The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is a standard for comparing the study attainment and performance of students of higher education across the European Union and her collaborating European countries. For successfully completed studies, ECTS credits are awarded. One academic year correspond to 60 ECTS (30 ECTS per semester). Please note that ECTS credits won’t be awarded if the student doesn’t attend the class and do not undertake the assessment. Credits measure the student workload which is required to pass the examination and include class attendance, classwork, laboratory work and individual study.

Exams are graded using a grading scale from 0 to 10.The passing grade is 5 or above. The final degree classification shall be expresses as a value ranging from 5 to 10.

According to the grading regulation a 0-10 grades applies in all higher education in Greece. Students are assessed against a grade classification postulated by the Ministerial Decree 70024/12-7-1968 as follows:

8,50-10                    EXCELLENT

6,50-8,49                 VERY GOOD

5,00-6,49                 GOOD

Minimum passing grade is 5.

Exchange students may take courses only in fields which have been included in the agreement of cooperation with their Home University. The courses’ list is given by the International Relations Office and the Departmental Coordinator of the student. He/She will be able to advise exchange student which courses are most suitable for you. During the first weeks in UTH, you will have to choose their courses and complete your Learning Agreement following your Home Institution requirements.

A Learning Agreement (L.A.) for each semester is required for all incoming students. It is a formal agreement between the student, its Home University and its Host University. All the lessons that the student wants to follow have to be written in the L.A.

A student who follows a course is required to take the corresponding exam. If the courses list changes, you will have to change your learning agreement and get it signed by both Home and Host Universities. That document has to be signed by each part during the exchange period so as a Transcript of Records may be delivered at the end of the program.