
In order for the mobilities to take place, a HEI in a Programme Country must sign an Inter-institutional Agreement with a HEI in a Partner Country. Under this Agreement, it can host students, doctoral candidates or staff from the Partner Country HEI, and can also send students, doctoral candidates or staff to the Partner-Country HEI. In the Agreement, the sending and receiving Institutions agree on the range of courses open to visiting students and on the options for staff mobility. These Agreements make sure that the sending Institution will recognize the credits gained by its students for successfully completed activities abroad, which will contribute to the student's degree once they return. Programme Country HEIs require an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education to apply and take part; by signing the Inter-institutional Agreement, Partner Country HEIs agree to adhere to these principles.

The sending institution is responsible for selecting participants and providing them with all necessary support including pre-departure preparation, monitoring during mobility, and formally recognizing the mobility period. The receiving institution offers participants a study programme, or a programme of staff training or teaching activities at their institution. The Inter-institutional Agreement details the obligations of each institution.

The selection criteria for participants are defined by their sending higher education institution, in agreement with the receiving institution. The first criterion should be academic merit, but with equivalent academic level, preference should be assigned to students from less advantaged socio-economic backgrounds.

Information on the mobility opportunities available and the selection procedure should be made public. The selection of participants, as well as the procedure for awarding them a grant, must be fair, transparent and documented and should be made available to all parties involved in the selection process.


The University of Thessaly has activated the first 26 mobilities for the academic period 2016-2018 with 4 Institutions:

- Universidad Nacional del Litoral (Argentina),

- Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina),

- University of Niš (Serbia),

- Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (Mexico).


Furthermore, 9 more mobilities have been granted for the academic period 2017-2019 with 4 Institutions:

- Volgograd State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Russia),

- Arcadia University (USA),

- Simon Fraser University (Canada),

- University of Ottawa (Canada).


For the academic period 2018-2020 4 mobilities with 1 Institution have been granted (ΚΑ107-2018 - University of Thessaly):

  • Central University of Finance and Economics (China - Department of Planning & Regional Development - Departmental Coordinator: Petrakos G.)

For the academic period 2018-2020 54 mobilities with 13 Institutions have been granted (ΚΑ107-2018):

  • University of Tirana (Albania - Studies Program of the Department of Agricultural Engineering Technologists - Departmental Coordinators: Petrotos K. & Papaxatzis A.)
  • University of Wollongong (Australia - Studies Program of the Department of Business Administration - Departmental Coordinator: Blanas G.)
  • University of Newcastle (Australia - Studies Program of the Department of Business Administration - Departmental Coordinator: Anagnostopoulos A.)
  • Royal Melbourne Institute (Australia - Studies Program of the Department of Business Administration - Departmental Coordinator: Anthopoulos L.)
  • Universidade Estadual Do Centro-Oeste (Brazil - Studies Program of the Department of Forestry and Natural Environment Administration - Departmental Coordinator: Vrahnakis M.)
  • Belarusian State University (Belarus - Studies Program of the Department of Business Administration - Departmental Coordinator: Gerogiannis V.)
  • Zhejiang Wanli University (China - Studies Program of the Department of Forestry and Natural Environment Administration - Departmental Coordinator: Moulas A.)
  • University of Jordan (Jordan - Studies Program of the Department of Nursing - Departmental Coordinator: Paralikas Th.)
  • American University of Beirut (Lebanon - Studies Program of the Department of Business Administration - Departmental Coordinator: Gerogiannis V.)
  • Mundiapolis University of Casablanca (Marocco - Studies Program of the Department of Business Administration - Departmental Coordinator: Gerogiannis V.)
  • State Agrarian University of Moldova (Moldova - Studies Program of the Department of Agricultural Engineering Technologists - Departmental Coordinator: Papaxatzis A.)
  • Federal Research Center The N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (Russia - Studies Program of the Department of Agricultural Engineering Technologists - Departmental Coordinator:  Anastassopoulos E.)
  • University of Belgrade (Serbia - Studies Program of the Department of Furniture Technology - Departmental Coordinator: Ntalos G.)


For the academic period 2019-2022 73 mobilities with 19 Institutions have been granted (ΚΑ107-2019 - University of Thessaly):

  • Αrmenian Νational Αgrarian University (Armenia - Studies Program of the Department of Forestry and Natural Environment Administration - Departmental Coordinator: Vrahnakis M.)
  • Belarusian State University (Belarus - Studies Program of the Department of Business Administration - Departmental Coordinator: Gerogiannis V.)
  • University of Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina - Department of Physical Education & Sport Science - Departmental Coordinator: Kouthouris X.)
  • Simon Fraser University (Canada - Department of History, Archaeology & Social Anthropology - Departmental Coordinator: Laliotou Ioanna)
  • University of Toronto (Canada - Studies Program of the Department of Business Administration - Departmental Coordinator: Anagnostopoulos A.)
  • Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture (China - Department of Architecture - Departmental Coordinator: Trova V.)
  • Central University of Finance and Economics (China - Department of Planning & Regional Development - Departmental Coordinator: Petrakos G.)
  • Damietta University (Egypt - Studies Program of the Department of Furniture Technology - Departmental Coordinator: Ninikas K.)
  • Al-hussein Bin Talal University (Jordan - Studies Program of the Department of Business Administration - Departmental Coordinator: Gerogiannis V.)
  • Al-balqa Applied University (Jordan - Studies Program of the Department of Food Technology - Departmental Coordinator: Malissiova E.)
  • Nazarbayev University (Kazakhstan - Department of Civil Engineering - Departmental Coordinator: Karakasidis Th.)
  • American University of Beirut (Lebanon - Studies Program of the Department of Business Administration - Departmental Coordinator: Gerogiannis V.)
  • Mundiapolis University of Casablanca (Marocco - Studies Program of the Department of Business Administration - Departmental Coordinator: Gerogiannis V.)
  • University of the Philippines Baguio (Philippines - Department of Special Education - Departmental Coordinator: Stathopoulou H.)
  • Saint-Petersburg Department of V.A. Steklov Institute of Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia - Studies Program of the Department of Mechanical Engineering - Departmental Coordinator: Providas E.)
  • Bard College (USA - Department of History, Archaeology & Social Anthropology - Departmental Coordinator: Papailias P.)
  • University of California, Berkeley (USA - Studies Program of the Department of Business Administration - Departmental Coordinator: Anthopoulos L.)
  • City College of the City University of New York (USA - Studies Program of the Department of Business Administration - Departmental Coordinator: Anthopoulos L.)
  • University of San Antonio (USA - Studies Program of the Department of Business Administration - Departmental Coordinator: Anthopoulos L.)

For the academic period 2020-2023 mobilities with 10 more Institutions have been granted (ΚΑ107-2020 - University of Thessaly):

  • Tecnológico de Costa Rica (Costa Rica - Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences and Design - Departmental Coordinator: Mantanis G.)
  • University of Tirana (Albania - Study Program of the Department of Agricultural Engineering Technologists - Departmental Coordinators: Petrotos K. & Papaxatzis A.)
  • Agricultural University of Georgia (Georgia - Study Program of the Department of Agricultural Engineering Technologists - Departmental Coordinator: Papaxatzis A.)
  • Al-hussein Bin Talal University (Jordan - Digital Systems Department - Departmental Coordinator: Gerogiannis V.)
  • Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (Belarus - Digital Systems Department - Departmental Coordinator: Gerogiannis V.)
  • *Lebanese University (Lebanon - Department of Primary Education & Department of Early Childhood Education- Departmental Coordinators: Chaniotakis N. & Magos K.)
  • American University of Beirut (Lebanon - Digital Systems Department - Departmental Coordinator: Gerogiannis V.)
  • State Agrarian University of Moldova (Moldova - Study Program of the Department of Agricultural Engineering Technologists - Departmental Coordinator: Papaxatzis A.)
  • *Sevastopol State University (Russia - Department of Architecture - Departmental Coordinator: Trova V.)
  • Samara National Research University (Russia - Study Program of the Department of Mechanical Engineering - Departmental Coordinator: Providas E.)
* Mobilities for studies or traineeship