
Erasmus+ Οutgoing students  of the University of Thessaly

Erasmus+ Call for Studies and Traineeships 2025/2026 (ended)

The UTH International Educational Programmes Office / Erasmus+ is pleased to announce the Erasmus+ Call for Applications for mobility during the 2025/2026 academic year. This opportunity is open for students who wish to undertake study abroad or traineeship.Students who are interested in mobility within the framework of the Erasmus+ Program should submit their application exclusively online using their UTH email credentials between Tuesday, January 14, 2025, and Friday, February 14, 2025 (until 13:00 GR time).

ERASMUS+  Call for Studies 2025/2026 - Partners list:  Department of Physical Education & Sport Science -TRIKALA

ERASMUS+  Call for Traineeship 2025/2026

Eligible Mobility Period: From June 1, 2025, to July 31, 2026.

Application link:

General Information about the Erasmus+ Application & Grant Procedure

1. Application

The  UTH International Educational Programmes Office / Erasmus+ announces a Call for Applications for mobility opportunities each year, allowing students to apply for either studies or traineeships abroad. The application process typically follows these steps:

  • Main Call: The primary Call for Studies or Traineeships usually takes place from January to February each year. This is the main application window for students who want to study abroad or undertake an internship during the following academic year.
  • Extra Call: In addition to the main call, an extra call for traineeships is sometimes announced in September, providing students with additional opportunities to apply.

Mobility for STUDIES:

Required Documents for the Online Application:

  • Application form
  • Recent Transcript of Records or Certificate of Studies from the Secretary of your UTH Department.
  • Short CV explaining your reasons for participating in the Erasmus+ program.
  • Copies of Language Proficiency Certificates (according to the language requirements of the university you are interested in).
  • Copy of ID or Passport

Mobility for TRAINEESHIP:

  • Application form
  • Recent Transcript of Records or Certificate of Studies from the Secretary of your UTH Department.
  • Short CV explaining your reasons for participating in the Erasmus+ program.
  • Copies of Language Proficiency Certificates (according to the language requirements of the university you are interested in).
  • Copy of ID or Passport
  • Acceptance Letter / Certificate of Acceptance from the university/company must include:
    • Traineeship Institution Details: logo, address, etc.; contact information of the supervising person (name, title, telephone, email).
    • Start and End Dates of the traineeship.
    • A short reference to the trainee's duties, establishing the relation to the field of study.
    • A clear statement that the traineeship is under the Erasmus+ Program.
    • The document should be signed and stamped by the responsible person at the institution.

Information: [EMSEP students: Mrs Chryssanthi Fourlari /  Tel. 0030 2410 684727-8 / Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. /This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]

2. Selection Process

  • The Department will approve or disapprove your application for Erasmus+ mobility based on specific eligibility criteria.

  • The UTH Erasmus+ Office will then inform you of the results and nominate you to the Host University. The Host University will provide information about its application requirements, so we advise you to check their website.

  • Students are responsible for following the application procedure and relevant deadlines set by the Host University for their enrollment and stay abroad.

  • Finally, students must adhere to the following grant procedure to receive their scholarship from the University of Thessaly:

3. Erasmus Scholarship Procedure (UTH) - Before the mobility

Documents to Submit for the Erasmus+ Scholarship (at least one month before the mobility).

STUDIES mobility  TRAINSEESHIP mobility

 1. Online Learning Agreement OLA - Read the Guide

The ISCED-F Code of your field is 1014 (sports)

1. Learning Agreement (2024-2025)

Guidelines - Learning agreement for traineeships

The ISCED-F Code of your field is 1014 (sports)

 2. Grant agreement in two hardcopies. Documents must bear original signatures in every page.

Corrections or smudges are not allowed.

2. Grant agreement in two hardcopies. Documents must bear original signatures in every page.

Corrections or smudges are not allowed.

 3. Official document of your active bank account stating account holder data, IBAN and bank swift code. The student must be the beneficiary in this account.

Important note: Any costs arising from bank transactions are borne by the students. 

 3. Official document of your active bank account stating account holder data, IBAN and bank swift code. The student must be the beneficiary in this account.

Important noteAny costs arising from bank transactions are borne by the students

 4. Academic Calendar or any document or e-mail of the host University, which states the exact period of your study period (start-end, including the days of the study program such as exams, orientation days, language courses, etc.).

These dates should be stated in the grant agreement document

4. For Non EU citizens: Photocopy of VISA, which must cover the whole mobility period

5.For EU citizens: You should provide the  European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). It is your responsibility to have a valid EHIC document for your mobility period.

For Non EU citizens: You should providea private health insurance, which is covered by the participant.

5.For EU citizens: You should provide the  European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). It is your responsibility to have a valid EHIC document for your mobility period.

For Non EU citizens: You should providea private health insurance, which is covered by the participant.

Moreover, all students need a private insurance, which will cover ‘work place accident insurance’ and ‘liability insurance coverage’ for any damages caused during your Erasmus+ Traineeship at the host institution. 

Copy of the tickets and boarding passes

Attention: Your grant is calculated based on your arrival and departure dates at the Host University.

Copy of the tickets and boarding passes

Attention: Your grant is calculated based on your arrival and departure dates at the Host University.

6. For Non EU citizens: Photocopy of VISA, which must cover the whole mobility period. 6.The Data of Receiving Organization-Enterprise
7.Online Linguistic Support (OLS). [How you will proceed]. In case that the required language is your mother tongue, you do not need to fill in the OLS Test 7. Online Linguistic Support (OLS). [How you will proceed].In case that the required language is your mother tongue, you do not need to fill in the OLS Test

Accommodation arrangements

Students are responsible to book their own accommodation before the mobility. Some Universities offer in-campus accommodation at their dormitories. Alternatively you might prefer to share a private accommodation with friends or fellow Erasmus+ students. This is entirely up to you.

We strongly recommend you familiarise with the rules and regulations of accommodation in the host country prior to your mobility. It is also important to ask for a contract and a receipt for any paid deposits.

Scholarship info

STUDIES: Information about Scolarship

TRAINEESHIP: Information about Scolarship

4. During the mobility

(These changes must be signed and submitted at least one month after your mobilty start date)

In case of any change in your learning agreement (courses, duration, etc.) during the mobility, you have to complete tables A2 and B2 in the Online Learning Agreement. The changes should be done always in contact with the Academic Coordinators of both Institutions and you have to submit it to our Erasmus+ Office. Read how to submit

5. After the mobility

No later than one month after the completion of your mobility, you must send us by email the documents below - please note that we need to forward us the email that you will receive from your University/Company:

STUDIES mobility

  1. Transcript of Records, with clarifications for its equivalence to the Greek scoring system. The students' responsibility is to provide the Academic Coordinator of their Department with a copy of their transcript in order to recognize your courses.
  2. Certificate of Attendance (stating the exact dates of your study period at the Host University).
  3. Submission of the on-line European Report. You will receive it on the last day of your mobility at the e-mail address stated in your Grant Agreement (email from: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - always check your spam files).
  4. Copy of your tickets and boarding passes (departure from the Host University) - Attention: Your grant is calculated based on your arrival and departure dates at the Host University.


  1. The "After the mobility" document (3rd part of learning agreement). Students' responsibility is to provide the Academic Coordinator of their Department with a copy of it, in order to recognize your trainseeship.
  2. Α written evaluation by your supervisor at the host company-organization (original, signed and stamped). It must state: the full details of the training institution (logo, address, etc.) the name of the intern and the period of employment report of tasks and evaluation of his/her work during the internship
  3. Submission of the on-line European Report. You will receive it on the last day of your mobility at the e-mail address stated in your Grant Agreement (email from: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - always check your spam files).
  4. Copy of the boarding passes (departure from the Host University) - - Attention: Your grant is calculated based on your arrival and departure dates at the Host University.

6. Recognition of your ERASMUS+ mobility

The Erasmus+ Program provides and ensures full recognition of your mobility by the University of Thessaly, according to the signed Learning Agreement before your mobility and as it has been modified in the During the mobility document. A course is not recognized only in case it is not included in the Learning Agreement and of course in case it is not completed successfully.