
Home University has to nominate the selected teaching/training staff to the International Relations Office sending the relevant personal information sheet and the selection procedure:

After the nomination, we will send an invitation letter and an e-mail with further instructions on how to proceed.

Application and grant procedure 

At least one month before the mobility, the staff must prepare and send (scanned copies are accepted) to the International Relations Office the following:

  1. Photocopy of ID, Passport and VISA, which must cover the mobility period.
  2. The Mobility Agreement document, signed by both Institutions. Sets out the teaching or training programme to be followed, and lists the rights and obligations of each party.
  3. The Grant Agreement document, filled  by you. It sets out the financial support and payment arrangements to the staff. The agreement must be signed by you during your visit at UTH. Two copies with original signatures at the end as well as on all pages are required. Then it will be signed by the Institutional Coordinator of the Programme Country Institution.
  4. Copy of your Health insurance contract, which must cover the whole mobility period.
  5. Official document of your active bank account stating, account holder, IBAN and bank swift code. Staff must be the beneficiary in this account.
  6. Copy of the air plane tickets and receipt (+ boarding passes after check in)
  7. Copy of the hotel reservation

When the participant arrives at the University of Thessaly he/she has to send/bring to the International Relations Office the original documents of the Grant Agreement (two copies with original signatures on all pages are required).

At the end of the mobility period, it is necessary to send us the original Confirmation of Attendance, Boarding passes and Hotel Receipt. Also, the staff will be required to submit a final Report. He/She will receive the survey by email and must submit it online. The submission of the report is necessary for the payment of the final grant to the staff.


Staff coming from Partner Countries may get a daily contribution to their expenses of 160 EUR. Each selected individual staff will get a travel contribution based on the distance from the sending to the receiving institution.

Important Note: The amount of your grant is transferred from the account of UTH at your bank account. Please mind that any costs arising from transactions (transfer, currency conversion, remittances, request processing fees (10EUROS), etc.) are borne by the staff himself.

Distance is calculated using the distance calculator of the European Commission's tool:

 Distance  Amount
10-99 km  20 EUROS per participant
 100-499 km  180 EUROS per participant
 500-1999 km  275 EUROS per participant
 2000-2999 km  360 EUROS per participant
 3000-3999 km  530 EUROS per participant
 4000-7999 km  820 EUROS per participant
 8000 and more  1500 EUROS per participant