
On Saturday the Greek Prime Minister announced new month-long measures for the whole country. According to these measures, Karditsa & Lamia are now in the yellow zone and new measures will be in force as of 6 am Tuesday, November 3.

Monitoring zone – Color: YELLOW (previous green and yellow areas on the risk-assessment map)


– Mandatory use of masks in all public spaces (indoors and outdoors).
– Night curfew from midnight to 5 am *except for emergency health reasons to hospitals and pharmacies and for work
– Mandatory distance mode work for 50% of the employees in the private and public sector
– University lessons will take place only via distance learning mode *except clinics and some graduate courses
– All public gatherings are banned

Traveling is allowed from one region to another.

It should be mentioned that retail shops, hotels, outdoor archaeological sites and hairdressers' will remain open.

In restaurants and cafes the use of face masks is mandatory by both the staff and the visitors while they wait. Up to 6 people per table. 

According to the Rectorate's decision on 30/10/2020, starting from Monday November 2, 2020 and until further notice, all undergraduate and postgraduate educational activities will be conducted online via distance learning. 
All academic Departments of the University of Thessaly will take any necessary measures to ensure that the students' education will continue seamlessly.  

We are happy to announce the Welcome Day for the incoming students of the Departments in Larissa, Trikala and Karditsa, on Tuesday, October 20 at 12:00 in Room DA1 (Dept. of Digital Systems, Ground Floor, Gaiopolis Campus - Larissa).

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We are happy to announce the Welcome Day for the incoming students of the Departments in Volos, on Monday, October 19 at 11:00 in the Kordatos Auditorium, Main Building (Argonafton & Filellinon Str., 38221 - Volos).

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On Sunday 22/3/2020, the Greek Prime Minister announced a total nationwide lockdown to prevent the spread of COVID-19. According to the announcement we are only allowed to go out with special permission. Each time you go out you have to state it to the authorities and it has to be for specific purpose. Greece’s Civil Protection uploaded the Movement Permits during the total lockdown also in English.

Movement and transportation of individuals in order to meet their needs that cannot be otherwise met are permitted only for the following reasons:

  • Travel to and from work during working hours.
  • Going to the pharmacy or to the doctor provided this is necessary, further to telephone consultation.
  • Going to the super market, mini market for basic necessities, if delivery is not possible.
  • Going to the bank if the necessary transaction is not possible online.
  • Going to assist someone in need.
  • Attending a ceremony (e.g. funeral, wedding, christening) as per the relevant legislation; maintaining parent-child contact in case of divorced or separated parents as per relevant legislation.
  • Exercising outdoors or walking a pet. If accompanied by another individual, then there should be a 1.5 metres distance between the two.

In order to issue a single-use extraordinary movement permit (type B), there are three options available: through a printed one-time single-use movement permit, through an SMS text message or through a handwritten permit.

1. The document “Extraordinary Movement Permit” printed (type B) is signed by the individual and includes the name, date of birth, home address, and time of departure of the individual, as well as the specific reason of the move and / or transportation.

2. SMS text message

You can send an SMS text message from your mobile phone to 13033, free of charge

The SMS text message must be in the following format:

X [blank] full name [blank] home address

where X is the required movement and / or transportation reason with the number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, corresponding to the list below:
  1. Going to the pharmacy or visiting a Medical Doctor, in the case that this is recommended after consultation.
  2. Going to a supply store in operation (super markets, mini markets etc), which can not ship or deliver its goods.
  3. Going to the bank, when electronic transactions are not possible.
  4. Going to help people in need.
  5. Going to a ceremony (e.g., funeral, marriage, baptism) under the conditions provided by law; or movement of divorced or legally separated parents in the context of parental responsibility, custody, or visiting rights in accordance with the applicable provisions.
  6. Physical exercise in an open space or for a pet’s needs; individually or up to 2 people. In the latter case, a minimum distance of 1.5 meters must be kept at all times.

You will receive the following text back:

Transportation [blank] X [blank] full name and home address.

3. Handwritten Note

The handwritten form must contain the following information:

  1. Full Name
  2. Home Address
  3. Reason for moving within the above permitted categories and destination address
  4. Date, Time, Signature

Individuals must carry their ID or passport at all times with them together with a completed transportation certificate (printed or handwritten) or a confirmation SMS in order to produce it during a routine check.

permits source: Greek Civil Protection website

In case you cannot send a text message to 13033, here is the lockdown movement permit in English.

Permit Extraordinary Movement (PDF)

If you have any questions concerning the lockdown which is in effect right now in Greece, please visit the following link .

After a Presidential Decree and for public health reasons, the University dormitories have to be shut down from 25.03.2020 until 10.04.2020.

You should evacuate your rooms as soon as possible and definately before the 25th of March. In case of Erasmus+ students there will be a provision of housing in hotels or other establishments.

As soon as there is more information, there is going to be a new announcement.

Greek online classes start this Thursday, 26/3.
Βeginners' class: 12:00-15:00
Advanced class: 17:00-20:00 .
Students should download and install "Teams".
Students from all cities of the University of Thessaly are welcome to attend.


Vous êtes étudiants français ou originaire en France, Erasmus ou autre, actuellement en Grèce et vous vous interrogez sur la conduite à tenir : rester ou rentrer en France.
La décision vous appartient mais le délai de réflexion est très court, il est possible que les liaisons aériennes commerciales, déjà restreintes, soient interrompues dès dimanche prochain.
Si vous décidiez de rester, il est impératif de vous assurer que vous disposez des moyens de subsistance nécessaire (moyens financiers, logement approprié et durable) et que vous soyez en mesure d’assumer ce choix pour une période indéterminée.
Si vous décidez de rentrer, il vous appartient de prendre contact dès aujourd’hui avec une compagnie aérienne (Air France et Aegean assurent encore un vol quotidien chacune) pour préparer votre retour à partir d’Athènes.
Sauf pour une raison impérative vous choisissiez de rester en Grèce alors que votre université d’accueil est fermée pour une longue période, il vous est fortement recommandé d’organiser votre retour en France dans de très brefs délais.
Si vous connaissez d’autres étudiants français dans votre cas, merci de leur transférer ce message.
En cas de difficulté, merci de vous rapprocher du consulat de France à Athènes et de les contacter soit par courriel :, soit par téléphone au 210.339.12.00.
Bien cordialement,
Patrick COMOY
Conseiller de coopération et d'action culturelle
près l'ambassade de France en Grèce."